Christmas tree ornaments

Winter Mode, NOT a Dark Winter

Winter Mode, Not a Dark Winter

There are few things I love more than Advent. It is the PERFECT season for so many things. As I am writing this post, I just tuned in to the 2020 Collection of Carols from Kings, a beautiful way to stay Christmas-connected.

You see, so much in life wants to take our minds OFF of Christmas. And if you don’t pay attention, or let others rule your thoughts, you’ll be wondering what the heck just happened here when you roll into January 2021 and Christmas is all behind you.

Let the BEAUTY of this Advent season fill your mind and soul!

candles in a purple background

How many times have you heard that this year, 2020, has been a disaster! Awful, disgusting, way too long, glad it’s almost over, just horrible and so on.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are many, many, many people suffering through this year, with businesses they can’t operate, jobs which have gone away, scrambling to figure out what to do next. I pray for them and for this country every day.

Yes, this year has been awful in so many respects. It has taught us how to submit, how to be compliant, how to listen to people with no medical backgrounds whatsoever tell us how to live our lives. Here in NJ, I don’t see that many people are listening. Roads are filled with people driving here and there and stores have been filled as usual. Of course, there are the masks, but you put up with it.

But, enough of that.

These weeks of Advent are magical!

These are my very FAVORITE times of the year. The days just “feel right”. I love the early evenings — and they are not filled with nothing to do. There is much to do when the sun sets and the darkness comes about at 5:00 p.m.

There is light and brightness within! My home has been decorated for Christmas since before Thanksgiving, perhaps because I wanted to bring some “normal” into our life, perhaps because it just felt like the right thing to do. Perhaps because 2 short years ago, I was in the throes of chemotherapy and waiting on surgery to take the cancer away for good.

So, everywhere I look, there is Christmas pretty. Much of what I have is decades old. There are many things which bring back memories of another time, another place, another moment.

I am SO lucky to have all of this!

Christmas 2020

So grateful to God! Happy to be here in my little home, surrounded by good things. Quietly, living out my days, in contentment. Something we should all take seriously. As in this post right here.

Life is Unpredictable

Revel in those things which mean the most to you. They don’t have to be earth-shattering, important to the world, political or mind-bending. Usually, they are small moments found in the comforts of hearth and home.

Simple moments with loved ones. This is what creates memories, not what today’s headlines are telling you. Spoken by “experts” who know no more about what will happen in the next minute than you or I.

Choose Happiness


I have so many Christmas decorations; everything from my Mom’s tree ornaments to snowmen bought long ago at a craft fair.

Beautiful angels and they look so charming at night when lit up.

This is my ‘village’. Most of these houses I painted myself except for the silver one on the right; that was bought in a Christmas shop in Milford, PA.

My beautiful golden manger, bought decades ago in New Hope, PA. One of my favorite places to visit at Christmas-time.

My coffee table filled to the brim with candles and lit Christmas scenes.

Most of these items were bought when my kids were kids. Now, they are not kids anymore.

My sweet Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer collection.

Another smaller Christmas tree, filled with cherished favorite ornaments.

More sweet snowmen bought long ago and some other items given to me as gifts. Those little mice in red are from the craft fair in Toms River back in the early 90’s.

The Reason for the Season, you know. Don’t let Christmas be usurped by the elf or Santa or anything. Always remember it is Jesus Christ who has come for all of US!

So, make your own memories. Make your own happiness. Simply, without fanfare or a zillion selfies. Just be in the moment and relish each day as it falls into the next. Create warmth, make beauty or enhance beauty. It’s all up to you.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you there will be ‘dark winters’ ahead! Our lives are meant for the light and there is nothing we can’t overcome. We are coming into Christmas, so let your hearts let go. See things as a little child again, savor each moment of each day. Because it will not come again.





Light a candle, sing Christmas songs, bake cookies, decorate your home inside and out, listen to Christmas music, wrap gifts, indulge yourself for just a little bit and don’t forget to tell people

Merry Christmas!







