A sign which says "Do Something or Do Nothing"

Do Something or Do Nothing

Are you a busy person? You can stop laughing now, as if I wouldn’t know just what most of us entail on any given day. I used to be a LOT busier than I am know; when your kids are grown and gone suddenly you’re no longer the housekeeper, cook, coach, tutor, chaffeur and bank. How do you separate how you do something or do nothing, there?

Even though I don’t work outside my home anymore, (and quite frankly, thank GOD for that!) I’m busy every week with freelance writing as well as everything else I do.

Do something or do nothing

I love to blog, so writing new blog posts are a must every week. In addition, there are many other website tasks to keep up with and decisions as to what I’m going to be including on my blog in the coming weeks and months.

Then, there’s my writing. Some of it is for clients, and some of it is on hold for my next big writing endeavor; a horror novel. There are still things I’m doing behind the curtain so to speak, before I actually start plotting my book.

a great infographic all about successful storytelling when you can either do something or do nothing

And of course, everyday stuff that is similar to yours; babysitting my grand daughters when needed, walking my dogs, cleaning and organizing my home, meal planning and cooking and planning for the upcoming holidays.

Then, there’s knitting. Lately, I haven’t been knitting as much as I’d like. I think by the time I get to my knitting, I’m too tired to sustain it for very long. But, it’s coming along.

Knitting is a BIG part of my life

and always has been. I’ve been knitting for decades. Made many beautiful items as my Etsy Shoppe will attest to.

Beautiful hand knit dishcloths you can knit when you decide to do something or do nothing

Because it’s in the DOING that we live. Read that again; it’s in the DOING that we live.

Not necessarily in the work we do at work; that is required and mandated if you want to hold on to your job. We’ve all done THAT kind of work. Nor is it in many daily tasks, such as driving or shopping.

Most of all, the DOING I’m talking about is not on your smartphone. Or iPhone or tablet or laptop or computer or whatever other device you’ve convinced yourself you can’t live without and can’t put down. Can you believe it! It’s. Not. There.

Yes, I’m aware of how often electronic devices are vital to our lives and employment. Many people work from home, even if it’s one day a week. It could be more. Paying bills and staying in touch for work’s sake is fine. You do what you have to do.

No, I’m talking about all of the rest of the time

Time. The age-old argument. We all only have the same 24 hours. Yet some people seem to do so much more with the hours we all have. Why is that?

And, how do they achieve that?

By doing. Actually doing. Not observing, not watching, not being a spectator. But, by doing. Right down to making your bed every day, every action done by every one of us is a reflection on us. On what we hold important.

I’m going to come right out and say it

Devices are ruining our lives. Smartphones, iPhones, tablets, computers, laptops, etc, ad nauseam. Most of these “things” require our direct attention. We have to DO something with them in order to achieve a certain end.

A cellphone chained to a man's hand while he decides to do something or do nothing

Most of what we do with devices is passive. We scroll, we text, we talk, we read a headline or browse Amazon. We play games, lots of games. Time-wasting games. In the real sense of achievement, this behavior is getting us NOWHERE.

Because at the end of the day, what do we have to show for it? And you can do this day after day, week after week, month after year after decade. What will you know?

How to browse faster? How to read a headline? How to come up with a cuter emoji?

If you read a book, someone actually took the time to WRITE it. When you watch ice skating on TV, those athletes actually TRAINED night and day for their big debut. When you go to a craft fair and see that knitter with all those KNITTED hats, headbands and scarves, she actually MADE THOSE HERSELF!

Without a smartphone in sight. Yes, you can actually put down the device and


I’m not going to tell you what that is; but I have a sneaking suspicion that YOU already know your strengths and your talents. You know those things that interest you and that you’re always turning to because you can’t stay away. Yes, those things.

That is God-given talent.

So, don’t waste it, don’t squander it, don’t hide it under a laptop or iPhone. Find your passion and USE IT. Before it’s gone.

You know I’m only speaking the truth. For all of us. Because we need a little reminder now and then, that some things in life are worth it and other things in life are a monumental waste of time.

You decide. It’s your call and at the end of a day (which has those 24 hours in it) you JUST may have something to show for it. You can either

Do Something or Do Nothing

Just another way to

“Homekeeping Solutions for Crafting Your Best Life!”



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