Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Adventures in Yarn Farming A Book Review

    Adventures in Yarn Farming A Book Review

    Have you ever bought yarn from a craft fair or specialty website? Or browsed through a beautiful yarn shop trying (in vain) to make up your mind about which colorful yarn to take home?! Adventures in Yarn Farming a Book Review can take you there. Where did that yarn come from? Have you ever wondered…

  • What’s Down the Dark Hall: Is It Mystery or Suspense?

    What’s Down the Dark Hall: Is It Mystery or Suspense?

    Annie knew she had to find her way out of there. But it was so dark! Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up the dark hall. An earth-shattering clap of thunder followed right behind. The hall seemed to go on forever. In that moment, Annie recognized the door that she was sure Philip had gone…

  • My Favorite Books of All Time

    My Favorite Books of All Time

    Are you someone who loves to read? I suspect you are, if you’re reading this blog post. Because reading is one of life’s BEST pastimes. For me, they include my favorite books of all time. My favorite books of all time cover different genres, different times, different me. Because different books call to us at…

  • It’s Okay If Life Hurts

    It’s Okay If Life Hurts

    In between writing blog posts and taking care of everything else that comes my way every day, I sometimes think back to times when my life seemed either very blessed or very unfair. I know you’ve had those same moments; whether they are tucked comfortably far away in the past, or events which still haunt…

  • Do You Have Diamonds In Your Closet Too?

    Do You Have Diamonds In Your Closet Too?

    Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of people cleaning out their homes in my neighborhood. I live in an “active adult” community, gated, and very nice. But, there have been quite a few homes just around the blocks where I walk my dogs, that are now empty and for sale. Family members suddenly appear, clean…

  • Late Summer Lace & Eyelets Scarf

    Late Summer Lace & Eyelets Scarf

    Can it be August already?! While I sit inside writing blog posts, articles, and ebooks, days seem to slip away. First we were all looking forward to the start of summer, now the echo of school days is getting caught in our ears. Lace & Eyelets are a stunner! Here’s -s-s-s-s-s-s another scarf pattern! I…

Got any book recommendations?