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5 Ways To Decrease Getting Cancer

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Every day is definitely different for me since a cancer diagnosis last July. Living a healthy life is more important than ever. Without getting ridiculous, let’s talk about 5 ways to decrease getting cancer.

The doctors, urologist specialists in Philadelphia and oncologist in Toms River were overjoyed with my results; they told me oftentimes, after all you go through, cancer can still rear its ugly head.

I don’t believe in going off the deep end with adding a massive vitamin regimen, juicing, getting crazy with exercise — most of that starts out with a BANG — then fizzles to a pop in no time, so your results end up being nothing.

As for me, since intestinal surgery, I don’t overeat nor do I eat just anything. Certain foods still upset me and I’ve learned to take it in small increments. There are still days when I don’t stray far from home, if you get my drift.

Decrease Your Risk of Cancer

Did you know that most cancers are environmentally induced? I did not know this, either. Many times we are led to believe because a parent had breast or prostate cancer, we will get it also. According to a study conducted in Nature in 2015, that is not the case.

The good news here is that rather than being at the mercy of the genes we’ve been given, everything from a predilection for diabetes or heart disease, if most cancers are not determined from our genetic material, there are things all of us can do to decrease that risk.

Keep in mind that our bodies are really self-healing instruments. When things happen on a cellular level, usually our bodies can fix it on their own. Even cancer cells can pop up all the time and our bodies will naturally clear them out. Who knew!

#1 – Stop Smoking Now

This is your #1 health tip. Nothing will cause you more damage sometime in your life, if you continue to smoke. Not only does smoking make you more susceptible to illnesses all year long, it has devastating long-term effects — emphysema, COPD, asthma, lung cancer — are all directly linked to smoking.

Here is a great infographic for you:

#2 – Be More Active

It doesn’t matter how old or young you are — there is nothing like being active on a daily basis. Depending on your job you may already be logging 10 miles a day in walking steps. If so, good for you!

But, if you sit at a desk all day, and then go home and play nursemaid to the couch, you’re heading for trouble. It’s important to stay active and how do you do that?

It’s as easy as standing up at work, taking the stairs and not the elevator, parking your car away from the stores at the mall, walking as exercise every day or learning techniques you can use at home whenever you want.

#3 – Stay Out of the Sun

Who doesn’t love the sun on a bright summer day! It feels so warm and good against your skin. But, beware — too much sun can damage your skin and once skin cancer gets a hold of you — it can be deadly.

It is vitally important to NOT be in the sun all summer long. Exposure to the sun’s rays should be incremental — that is, a little goes a long way. And if you crave that tan, get it out of a spray can.

#4 – Eat Healthy

Love those French fries? Pizza? Globs of ice cream and big containers of soda? It’s so easy when at a barbecue, picnic or at the beach to just indulge. I mean, what’s another beer going to hurt?

Eating lots of the ‘wrong’ foods is not only bad for you, it puts the pounds on as well. There is an obesity problem in the country and food is one of the ways you are going to get fat.

Try eating those veggies, raw or cooked, they are good! Same goes for seafood and lean meats. Stay away from the condiments like ketchup and mustard and use one packet of sugar instead of three. Start paying attention to what you are eating and it will make a big difference for you.

#5 – Add Cancer-Fighting Supplements

You may already be taking vitamins on a daily basis, but it’s always a good idea to look into those supplements which aid in fighting off cancer. As far as I’m concerned, you can never be too careful.

Supplements like Omega-3, melatonin, turmeric, selenium, green tea extract, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and resveratrol are all cancer-fighting supplements which you should explore further.

Here’s a BONUS for you – go to this link and read how to just DO NOTHING for a day. It is possible and you will survive! It’s so important to just S-L-O-W D-O-W-N in our lives. Stress will not help you (or me) at all.

It’s important to do something to keep cancer from occurring. Here are 5 ways to decrease getting cancer. Take a look at your own life and lifestyle and make a list of those things which pique your interest. Then —

Do Them!

Don’t think getting cancer can’t happen to you.

Just another way to ‘Homekeeping Inspiration for Knitting Your Best Life!’




