Smartphone Stupid

Do you own a smartphone? Or an iPhone 7 or one of those Samsung beauties which love to warm the cockles of your heart by flaming up now and then in your breastpocket?

Do you know who the Vice-President of the United States is? Hint: he’s commonly known as “the plagiarizer” (for good reason), but you can call him by his real name.

What happened in the year 1066?
When did the U.S. Civil War (aka the War between the States) take place?
Who was the 3rd President of the U.S?
What is a constitutional republic?
What is Socialism?

Don’t know? You’re in good company.

A couple sitting at a romantic dinner table texting on their smartphones.

But, I’ll bet you know who’s on the cover of People magazine this week? Or what those wily Kardashianan’s are up to? Or who’s on The View or The Talk or Ellen or one of those other mindless daytime ranting shows?

And if you don’t, good for you!

Maybe you love QVC and HSN and Evine and all the rest? They have their tacky “Christmas” trees up already, have you noticed? And all they talk about are the “holidays”. Don’t you wonder which holiday they’re referring to? Because I can’t tell.

Are your credit cards maxed to the full because you just HAD to have another cookbook, another strainer, another vacuum, another pair of boots to go with the 75 in your closet already?!


Because, generally speaking, there IS something wrong with you. You NEED stuff. All of the time, which calculates into every day.

Well, I’m here to tell you “NO, YOU DON’T.”

How many books have you read this year? It’s easy as pie because you can save them to Kindle. (And with Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime you can read them for free or a few dollars.) That’s another thing; do you know how to make a pie? An apple pie, for instance, now that it’s Autumn and the air is chilly? Hint: it’s quite easy to do.

And how many times do you need to contact one of your “friends” to ask them how they are? Who the hell cares?! Isn’t that just being polite? And after all, we just want to be nice! Blah. Is there really such a thing as a “mobile lifestyle”? And do you really want to live like that!

What about politics?

What does a Democrat stand for? What does a Republican stand for? What is a Libertarian? Who are the vice-presidential candidates running on both major tickets? One has a name similar to English money-of-old and the other is good for leaning on. Figure it out yet?

No, you’re in good company. Most people haven’t a clue.

But, they will go and vote anyway. Do you KNOW who are you voting for? What they stand for? Or do you vote one way or the other, because that’s what your parents did? Or because it’s a tradition in your family?

I’m here to tell you to


Try something different. Try THINKING FOR YOURSELF.

Now, in order to do that, you have to know something about what it is you’re looking to accomplish. So, if you don’t know about candidates, then it’s high time you start finding out.

Because a “smart” phone will not give you the answers to life, in general. We, as a country, seem to be flailing around a lot these days; and to my mind, it is due to the fact that we are no longer connecting to the things that mean something in life.


No connection = not knowing who we are.

If you don’t know your history, for instance, how do you make decisions for what’s important to you? When I was growing up I knew people who said they had voted for John F. Kennedy for president because he was good looking. That is NOT a reason to vote for someone.

What DO you base your decision-making skills on? Who’s good-looking? Who’s popular? Who has the biggest Twitter feed? Do you feel like if you speak the truth you won’t be popular anymore? Popular with who!

Rule #1: DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MSM. (Main stream media)

They do NOT have your best interests at heart. They are in it for one candidate and one candidate only. Why, I couldn’t tell you why. The MSM gives you cutsie little “talking points” every day; something the uninformed can run with, to make themselves sound smart. Most often, the MSM are AGAINST one candidate or FOR another candidate.

BTW, do you even KNOW who’s running for President?

I should have asked that right away! Hopefully, those of you who don’t have the answer to that question, won’t be voting. Thank God for that!

In order to be a successful ADULT IN THE ROOM, you must know things about life. Things, that for the most part, you were NOT taught in school. Yes, there are the basic rules about “please” and “thank you” and waiting your turn, and sharing with others and getting into groups (didn’t you hate that!) and working together.

But, knowledge is a whole other entity.

Not found in textbooks. You acquire knowledge on your own. You could probably call it “the roadblocks of life”. When things don’t go as planned, when your best-laid plans are blown to smithereens, when the world comes crashing down on your head, those are some of the BEST life lessons.

The only way you amass more knowledge is by seeking it out for yourself.

Thinking for yourself.

My Mom always told me to think for myself. She instilled in me a deep love for my Catholic faith and for Mary especially, but she also knew that in order to make a difference in this life (and it’s the only one we have, folks), you need to be an original thinker.

A Critical Thinker.

Critical thinking:

Critical thinking is that mode of thinking — about any subject, content, or problem — in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent to rigorous standards of excellence and mindful command of their use. It entails effective communication and problem-solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our native egocentrism and sociocentrism.

Quote is from

Don’t base your outcomes on what Judge Judy would do! For God’s sake’s, the woman is making ridiculous money for putting people down on television! Why would you want to belittle yourself like that! Where is your self-respect?!

At least if you’re going to be walking around with your smartphone IN YOUR HAND all day, go to sites where you can learn something about the world we live in. Flipboard is a great place because you can customize it just for you. Click through to Amazon’s Kindle Store and pick up as many FREE ebooks as you can handle. Customize your learning just for you. You can do that on your smartphone.

Start today

Don’t have the time, you say? Oh, yes you do.

Years ago, there were no smartphones, no computers even. Phones were plugged into the walls. For books you went to the library. Conversation centered around long-flowing issues; not emoji’s and happy faces. Trying to be popular, is that what you want to be!?

Put DOWN the smartphone and educate yourself. One day at a time. Because you really don’t need that thing hanging from your hand all day. Look at something else besides Facebook.

For the love of God!

Still need the answers to those questions up top? Here they are:

  • Joe Biden
  • William the Conqueror who won the Battle of Hastings (in England) against King Harold
  • 1861-1865
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • the system of government in the United States today
  • the system of government we WILL have if HRC is elected presidente
  • and the rest you can look up for yourself

So, THINK FOR YOURSELF. Find the answers, the correct answers to what you are being told. I don’t care who it comes from. Don’t assume. (You know what they say about that!)

Because when all is said and done and voted on, we just may find ourselves living in the Middle Ages again. Never heard of the Middle Ages?

Don’t talk to me!

Because if I ever needed a jury, I’d HATE to think you’d be on it. Your SMARTphone is not making you smarter; it’s just taking up a lot of your time, time which you can never get back.

So, turn your LIFE around and don’t be

Smartphone Stupid

Because this is the only life you’ve got. Remember these are

“Homekeeping Solutions for Crafting Your Best Life!”



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