Category: Blog

  • KNIT To Make A Lasting Impression

    KNIT To Make A Lasting Impression

    “Everything you remember in your mind is gone,” my husband said to me. That drive down Harmony Rd. was always one of my very favorites. If I had been out at the Freehold Mall or someplace north of Lakewood, I always took the turnoff onto Jackson Mills Rd, then a left onto Harmony, just before…

  • Homekeeping 1.0

    Homekeeping 1.0

    I write for a living. Just to make some extra money every month, I do freelance writing for a few different clients. Some are ebooks, some articles, and I never know what the topic will be. Most of all, I love writing about places I’ve never been; the Hawaiian Islands, rentals in Argentina or Canada…

  • 5 BEST Reasons to Knit a Scarf

    5 BEST Reasons to Knit a Scarf

    I write for a living. Just to make some extra money every month, I do freelance writing for a few different clients. Some are ebooks, some articles, and I never know what the topic will be. Now that I have two grand daughters I love knitting for them too: everything from big blankets to little…

  • Who Else Wants to SAVE Her Marriage?

    Who Else Wants to SAVE Her Marriage?

    Marriage is one of life’s lovelies. It’s been around forever and is so woven into our lives, that we hardly give it a second thought. Am I an expert? You bet. And why? Because this year, 2020, I will be married for 48 years. TO THE SAME MAN. Impossible, you say! No. It isn’t. And…

  • Little Known Ways to Understanding Nasal Surgery

    Little Known Ways to Understanding Nasal Surgery

    For all of my life, I have suffered with bad sinuses. I can remember back when I was a kid, sneezing and being stuffed up even on the nicest of days. Especially in Spring, when all the trees and flowers would start to bloom, I would be sneezing my head off. Years later, whenever I…

  • What My Grand Daughters Have Taught Me About Relationships

    What My Grand Daughters Have Taught Me About Relationships

    Is it a mere four days to Christmas? The most glorious holiday of all? My house is all decked out; every room is aglow in candlelight, tinsel, snowmen, village houses, Rudolph figurines, many-colored garland, angels, and of course my Christmas trees which hold treasured ornaments and memorabilia from over the years. That’s not all .…