Category: Blog

  • Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Becoming a Writer

    Answered: Your Most Burning Questions About Becoming a Writer

    Did you ever fail math class? You know the ones; those middle-school and high-school mandatories all about algebra or geometry? Those teachers always said there would be a USE for these mathematical problems, but to this day, I’m still waiting. They look simple enough don’t they, just some x’s and y’s and numbers, but I…

  • 5 Ways To Smaller Spaces

    5 Ways To Smaller Spaces

    Once upon a time I had a pretty big house. It was a 4-bedroom colonial, with a full basement. Then, after some time living in New Hampshire in a beautiful 150-year old home which is a bed and breakfast, (and was 6,000 sq. ft) we moved into a 1500 square foot home. Then, three years…

  • Are You Eating Healthy?

    Are You Eating Healthy?

    Last week I got the results of my most recent blood tests. Happy birthday to me, my cholesterol is high. Way over 200, where it should be. So, now there are some decisions to make. Why does this matter? Maybe because I have nasal polyps and can’t smell and can’t taste anything, I’ve been leaning…

  • 5 Ways to Avoid the Christmas Lunacy

    5 Ways to Avoid the Christmas Lunacy

    Can you believe it! We are almost through with the month of October. Days away from Halloween. You know when I was a kid, Halloween was an afternoon; now, it’s morphed into its own season, complete with outdoor decorations and adult costumes. I have to tell you, I don’t like it. Because when I turned…

  • Advent Takes The Crazy Out of Christmas

    Advent Takes The Crazy Out of Christmas

    We’re getting very close. Christmas Day. So far this December it doesn’t feel like winter is just around the corner; temps have been in the 60s and 70s even! Nice for some, but I prefer my Christmas-time, if not in bridal-veil white, at least with frosty air. If you haven’t finished shopping yet, sit down.…

  • Smartphone Stupid

    Smartphone Stupid

    Do you own a smartphone? Or an iPhone 7 or one of those Samsung beauties which love to warm the cockles of your heart by flaming up now and then in your breastpocket? Do you know who the Vice-President of the United States is? Hint: he’s commonly known as “the plagiarizer” (for good reason), but…